• By 1300 SMILES
  • March 13, 2016

A lack of sleep is enough to make anyone feel grumpy and out of sorts, but when a child doesn’t receive sufficient sleep, it can have serious consequences for their memory and learning ability. It can  also affect their behaviour and attention span. There is increasing clinical evidence to show that a lack of sleep may contribute towards obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes as well as cardiovascular disease.

A recent study found that for every additional hour of sleep, the risk of a child becoming overweight or obese was reduced by an average of 9%. It is not quite clear how sleep deprivation affects a child’s weight, however loss of sleep can lead to hormone imbalances which in turn can contribute towards energy imbalance, increasing the risk of a child becoming overweight. So how do you know if your child is sleeping enough?

If your child is constantly groggy or sleepy during the day then they may not be  getting sufficient sleep. Other good indicators that your child is not getting enough sleep are if they regularly doze off  while watching TV or traveling in the car, if they have a hard time getting up in the morning or frequently yawn during the day. If your child is regularly displaying these behaviours then they may need a new bedtime routine.